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Wine Talks with Paul K.

For the wine novice and wine expert...this is an  unorthodox travel through wine and food. Meet some of the characters that shape what we drink and eat. From the Mayor of Montefalco (small Umbrian town) to the biggest names in the Napa Valley...we have them here and Paul K. makes them laugh and tell!

Mar 6, 2021

The food scene in the US was changing rapidly in the '80's and LA was the hub.  Being a Chef was not a claim to fame in those days but restaurants like Michaels in Santa Monica was changing all that. Michaels was like a Chef breeding ground churning greats like the namesake, Michael McCarty, Ken Frank, Jonathan Waxman, Nancy Silverton and more. You will be amused and intrigued with Michaels recollection back in the day.