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Wine Talks with Paul K.

For the wine novice and wine expert...this is an  unorthodox travel through wine and food. Meet some of the characters that shape what we drink and eat. From the Mayor of Montefalco (small Umbrian town) to the biggest names in the Napa Valley...we have them here and Paul K. makes them laugh and tell!

Aug 24, 2021

He oozes with charm and charisma but knows how to get serious too. The Boisett name in world of wine is synonimous with fine wines from around the world. 

As a child he visited the Buena Vista winery in Sonoma while on a US vacation with the family. He told himself that one day he would return to "this most magnificent place."  Some of the most iconic structures and vineyards in the Napa Valley are part of the Boisset Collection. 

Have a listen...quite inspiring.