Jan 18, 2024
The Smithsonian Institute wanted to know about Jerry Eisterhold. So much so, the featured an article on what one might say is a long shot at best. The idea to repropagate vines of yesteryear in America would be fruitless (pun intended). But it is quite the opposite.
In this episode, you will hear the history of wine grapes in America that I would easily put down even money that the most advanced academics in the world of wine would not have a notion of the significance. It was so intriguing, that Wine Talks immediately purchased a sampling of the wines and bought the book recited in the show.
Jerry Eisterhold took it upon himself to scour the United States grape nurseries and study the history of wine grapes in America to a point where he has reintroduced a dozen indigenous grape varieties back into the soil. And then comes the fun part...
Making wine from these new varietals with all the moving parts that go into making wine without any of the experience of any predecessor is proving to be a task of geometric proportions.
Have a listen and hear the answers to all these headwinds.