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Wine Talks with Paul K.

For the wine novice and wine expert...this is an  unorthodox travel through wine and food. Meet some of the characters that shape what we drink and eat. From the Mayor of Montefalco (small Umbrian town) to the biggest names in the Napa Valley...we have them here and Paul K. makes them laugh and tell!

Oct 27, 2022

Not only is she part of an unheralded 7th-generation California wine family, but she is also a wine influencer to boot. Meet the effervescent Cecily Gamba from Gamba Vineyards and You had me at Bordeaux.

All industries need to look to the youth to find a path. Though wine is an ancient industry, the marketing and consumption of wine looks nothing like its history might suggest.  These days it takes social media, email, google, and influencer marketing. Cecily finds herself in a unique position trying to move the needle forward on selling the family wines in a contemporary way and preserving the history of the 7 generations behind the family winery.

What is interesting is their farming practices and philosophy. I've been tryin' to tell ya, it has always been this way.

I found her engaging, delightful, and funny.

Have a listen.