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Wine Talks with Paul K.

For the wine novice and wine expert...this is an  unorthodox travel through wine and food. Meet some of the characters that shape what we drink and eat. From the Mayor of Montefalco (small Umbrian town) to the biggest names in the Napa Valley...we have them here and Paul K. makes them laugh and tell!

Aug 23, 2023

When one stumbles across a strong will in the wine industry, one has to take notice.

A strong will will necessarily show through in the resulting wines. It takes an opinion, it takes a will to create the finest example of wine a vineyard can produce. 

If one is "laissez faire" about what is in the bottle, one will cut a corner or shortcut a process or leave out a process that would not necessarily create a poor wine, but will certainly keep a nuance or a character out of a wine. 

For Elizabeth, it is about expressing the terroir she is, as she says it, priveldged from where she is to create wine. This is important; as a steward of the land for the Cornell family (from whence the name of the winery is drawn), she has a reponsibility to protect and enhance. 

The 2020 fires ripped through area and the rebuild is under way. Elizabeth is inspired to coax the vines back to their expressive selves.

Have a listen to this inspiring and driven winemaker.